Get in Touch
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Get in Touch
Give us a call, come on over or drop us a line, we’re here to help!

East London
Mdantsane Access Rd., Wilsonia
East London 5247
P.O.Box 3150, Cambridge
East London EC 5206
East London 5247
P.O.Box 3150, Cambridge
East London EC 5206

Qonce (KWT)
Hargreaves Ave
(just off Old Zwelitsha Rd)
Qonce (KWT) 5601
PO Box 617, Qonce EC 5600
(just off Old Zwelitsha Rd)
Qonce (KWT) 5601
PO Box 617, Qonce EC 5600

Mkhondo (Piet Retief)
Kruger Street
Mkhondo (Piet Retief) 2380
PO Box 3150, Mkhondo MP 2380
Mkhondo (Piet Retief) 2380
PO Box 3150, Mkhondo MP 2380

Give us a call

East London
Mdantsane Access Rd, Wilsonia, East London 5247
P.O.Box 3150, Cambridge, East London EC 5206
Tel: 043 745 2002 Fax: 043 745 2929 / 086 267 9453
Qonce (King William’s Town)
Hargreaves Ave (just off Old Zwelitsha Road), Qonce 5601
PO Box 617, Qonce EC 5600
Tel: 043 642 1515
Mkhondo (Piet Retief)
Kruger Street, Mkhondo, Mpumalanga 2380
P.O. Box 3150, Mkhondo 2380
Tel: 079 276-5209